Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sunshine & Tears

So I blog on a site for work and that one is taking precedence right now.  But, there is no rule that I cannot share what I blog about there on here, right?!  
I came across a quote this morning that slapped me in the face, opened my eyes, shined a light on an area of my life that I've been being made aware of in big ways lately!  
So here is what happened when I read the quote, fell in love with it & blogged about it.

I found a quote that I love, LOVE, *LOVE*! Thought I'd share it here.

Count your days by smiles, not tears. Count your nights by stars, not shadows. Count your age by friends, not years. ~ Early American Toast

Wise words to live by! Alas, I am NOT good at this. I am (and always have been) a glass-half-empty kind of girl! I muddle along in a fog of pessimism, negativity & with sharp critiques ready on my tongue!
My poor, poor family.
My dear hubby though (who is incredibly sensitive to constant negativity!) is determined to help us both change! It grieves us both that we never discuss our parenting until one of us blows at the other one about what they are doing wrong! We never discuss our marriage/relationship issues until there's a problem! (You can see my pessimism here by my use of the word *never*!! )
Hubby took a huge step the other day by, in the midst of a fight, stepping back, taking a breather, sitting down next to me & saying "thanks for dinner, sweetie, it was really good". My first instinct was to say/think "what are you doing? how dare you distract me from my anger!". But, I found a shred of humility somewhere inside, & snuggled into his lap & found something to thank him for.
Poor Pessimistic Girl! She was a casualty of war that night!
I've spent a majority of my days filling them with snarls, fits of anger, small bursts of yelling, searching for shadows & making my home in them. At the end of the day, no one is happy, nurtured, secure, loved, cherished. I, least of all. I'm left with guilt, sadness, loneliness & misery. Up to recently, my hubby would join me in that misery! The old adage is true - misery really does love company! Sadly, it's not satisfied until it manages to hold you captive along with everyone else around you, to some extent or another.
It grieves me that my children have been victims of Pessimistic Girl to this point in their lives.
But, trying to find the smile instead of seeing the tears, I still have time!!!!! I have YEARS/DAYS/HOURS/MOMENTS with my 3 beautiful souls, to see their smiles, to see their stars, to see their sunshine, to be their friend... And, I have a LIFETIME of MOMENTS with hubby! To smile with him (sometimes AT him), to share his sunshine, to watch him chase his stars while he encourages me to chase mine, to be his friend...
When I find a quote that I fall in love with, I type it (in cool colours & fonts), print it & hang it on my fridge!
This one is definitely going there!

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