Friday, May 20, 2016

Storytime: When We Raise Men Like This, We End Rape Culture

Once upon a time... 

...I was talking to a young man and the conversation went a little something like this:

Him:  I was over at (redacted's) house last night because she said she wanted me to come over to talk about 'us'.  (Redacted is someone that this young man cares about and has been nurturing a friendship with for many months, being honest with her that it is in hopes of it becoming something more.)
Me:  And... how did it go?
Him:  Nowhere.  After being there for a few minutes I thought that she seemed 'off' so I asked if she'd been drinking.  She didn't really answer me so I looked around her room and found a bottle of vodka.
Me:  What did you do?
Him:  I left.

When we raise men like this, we end rape culture.  Even further - When we raise our children to view other people as fully human, and not objects, we change the world.  <3

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